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Characters and Storyline

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Characters and Storyline  Empty Characters and Storyline

Inlägg  Admin sön jun 26, 2011 3:28 pm

To gather information about characters, minor characters, world events and important happenings in their lives that affects to storyline.

Antal inlägg : 13
Join date : 11-01-15

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Characters and Storyline  Empty Adan

Inlägg  Adan sön jun 26, 2011 3:30 pm


Date of Birth: January 5th 

Place of Birth:
Denerim, Ferelden
Race/Ethnicity/Species: Elf

Physical Description

Typical Elvish shortness (but taller than Aican)
Hair Colour:
Dark brown bordering to black
Hair Length:
He's not so vain with his hair. He makes sure that it doesn't look to bad or messy before going out and keeps it short, but the kind of work he's doing he can't be bothered or expecting it to be neat and styled.
Eye Colour:
Stormy blue

General Body Description: Elvish nimbleness and neatness but muscular still.

Typical clothing style:
He likes it dark and fitted and would love to own leather clothes but it's too expensive. As long as it not in bright colours, he wears what he can get. Due to that, he often skips on wearing shoes as cheap, trashy shoes are more of a bother and in the way and causes chafed feet.

Yes, quite a few all over his body.
Tattoos: No.


Yes, hard to avoid getting scars.
Skin tone: Like Fenris, medium tanned kinda.
Picture (link if available): Well, just Fenris modified to fit the look of my typical characters, but very similar.

Social Description

Financial Status:
Sexual Attitude:
Gay. He doesn't care of other peoples sexual appetites and slutiness, but he himself isn't to quick to jump into bed with people.
Moral Alignment:
Is what he believes to be the best, and the best for him. Not so surprisingly, he has no problem with robbing, stealing and killing as long he thinks it's just and/or beneficial for himself (and his friends). He can even kill women and children, but only if they are mages, but that effects him more emotionally than if it was a male or some stupid thief (them being children or women, that is, not 'cause their mages).
Religious Alignment: Well, he hopes that all the talk about the Maker and such are true and wants and tries to believe, to have something to comfort himself with.
Political Alignment:
On the Templars side.
Use of Drugs:
Just alcohol.
Shady, moody and dark.
Criminal Status: Yes. Most of the normal criminal acts.


Highest Education Level Achieved:
None. Well, Marlon tried to teach him how to read and write.
Works within the Coterie, but due to being a Fereldan, new and elf, has one of the lower, dirtiest task etcetera. May be the personal servant/hit man/dirty worker for the leader of one of the groups within the Coterie, whose name is Fedrick the Maggot.
Drink, gloom, he likes to read but he sucks at it so he hates it, he quite enjoys doing all the shady things, gamble and fight, listen to stories and going the Hanged Man. And surely more, but he don't wanna say those yet...
Languages & Dialects Spoken:
Speaks with a Fereldan accent.
Talents/Skills: His light Elvish body makes him good at sneaking and robbing and he is well skilled with a sword and believing in himself when picking fights with taller and bigger dudes.


Character History:
Well. Raised in the Alienage of Denerim, his life has always been poor and miserable. The Family hadn't much money and were hard working, quite broken souls with the Father turning to alcohol to dampen the angst. He started his criminal life in Denerim with sneaking out of the Alienage during the night to steal and rob. 
He didn't make a big name for himself then in the criminal world as the robbery often was a last way out when the money were gone. During the day he worked as a servant/worker to one of Denerims merchants. He wasn't treated to well, as to be expected when being an elf, and the labour were exhausting both psychically and bodily. He hated it, but stayed to be able to support for his family.
In his teens, his younger sister were killed by an apostate mage seeking to hide and shelter in the alienage from the templars and guards. When being surrounded, the mage turned to blood magic and demon form who caused a turbulence and a small massacre among the elves. Thus he found himself alone with an alcoholic father and a broken hearted mother. 

Due to Elven Alienage rituals he was married, his homosexuality aside as that isn't a priority in the alienage, with a girl his parents and the Elder had chosen. He gained his adulthood but life began to feel darker and darker. When the battle of Ostragar drew nearer, he sought to enroll into the army, seeking a new life. Betraying his Elvish home and past, he left with the army to fight for King Cailan. The Alienage didn't like him leaving and he was thought of as not being one of them anymore. He was wounded in the battle, sought help in a refugee camp nearby. Getting healed by Marlon, which started another chapter of his life.
Despite his hatred for mages, he got involved with Marlon and followed him around, acting both as a help against offending, evil persons and as a (un) supportive partner. Their different views of life 
tore them apart after six months. Broken hearted and with a destroyed future, he fled Feraldan, both for the Blight and not wishing to return to his old life, to dwell in Kirkwall. After a long wait to get into the city, he found himself alone and lost in the snaky city, staring over with the same life he wished to escape, hoping that his luck will be better in this city. He started of in Darktown as many refugees, trying to nestle himself into life and gaining contacts. Not living his semi-shady life behind, he took work within one of the Coterie groups. Moving to Lowtown, never wishing to live in an Alienage again, he tries to staying alive, gazing dreamily up towards Hightown and always feeling the haunted, saddened and scary gaze of the Gallows.

Mother, Father, dead Sister, cousins, aunts and uncles etcetera. Not so close with either of them.

Significant Other(s):
A wife, who he has left behind and don't care for too much.

He is moody, gloomy and angst-ridden. Sarcastically, quick tempered, sees the world in black and white and is quick to judge and hate, he is ignorant and hypocritical. He is dry and impersonal, keeping to himself and not seeking a deeper contact with people. He can be viewed as arrogant, cooky and as if he is the best there is. Underneath it all, he has a soft side to him who likes to read and be in the company of loved ones. His soul longs for companionship, understanding, love, laughter and a better life. He wants the good and light in the word, but always being surrounded by darkness and impossibility and a view that they deserve not such, he thinks he isn't worthy of it and puts on a hard mask as not to be disappointed.

He's twitchy and fidgety, speaks in a low tuned snarling and/or bored voice. Has turned to drinking as his father. Has a somewhat bad posture, specially when sitting down.

Uh, drinking, fights, dead mages, leather binding, money, snuggles, a warm bed, feather pillows, strawberries, traveling, roasted chicken


 Mages. Racism. The alienage. Evil bosses. Labour work. Betrayal.

A life with love, a good life where you don't have to worry about food and tomorrow, a life without fear.

Magic, shady companions, ghosts, cockroaches, dying alone, the prison, torture.

Senast ändrad av Adan den mån jun 27, 2011 1:59 am, ändrad totalt 1 gång

Antal inlägg : 14
Join date : 11-06-26

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Characters and Storyline  Empty Sv: Characters and Storyline

Inlägg  Aicanassë sön jun 26, 2011 6:38 pm


The best years
Date of Birth: 19th July

Place of Birth:
Antiva City, Antiva
Race/Ethnicity/Species: Elf

Physical Description

Hair Colour:
Deep Blond
Hair Length:
Medium/shoulder length
Most often loose with some braids to keep the hair from the face. Sometimes altogether loose and sometimes tied up entirely.
Eye Colour:

General Body Description: Nimble and light with slender muscles.

Typical clothing style:
Leather and/or thin clothes in soft, nice materials. He most often dresses practically for his work, 'cause you never know when you gonna be attacked, that makes movement and trickery easier.

has more of a very light freckles than birthmarks.
Some kind of sun tattoo on left overarm and some “tribal” tattoo along right torso side. (May change if I come up with something better...)

Some, yes.
Picture (link if available): Zevran formed to fit my character style.

Social Description

Financial Status:
Wealthy in the meaning that the guild has money, he himself isn't that rich.
Sexual Attitude:
The more the merrier.
Moral Alignment:
Ego-centrical and his moral alignment depends on who's hiring. Don't kill children and women. Well... if the coins enough, perhaps?
Religious Alignment: Nah. But Andraste sure sounds nice...
Political Alignment:
He doesn't care, he works for all sides.
Use of Drugs:
Yes, sure.
Yes, his name's starting to gain weight.
Criminal Status: Of course.


Highest Education Level Achieved:
Nah, well, he's educated with the guilds ”school”, learning things that formed him into a better assassin.
Assassin and player.
Party, dancing, sleeping around, flirting, window shopping, laughing, sleeping, eating, gamble, having a good time
Languages & Dialects Spoken:
Antivan and "English" with Antivan accent.
Talents/Skills: Flirting, assassin people, be in a good mood, be nimble, drinking lots of alcohol, be on guard and noticing details.


Character History:
A pretty general Antivan past. Is a bastard son, raised on the tough streets, trying to survive in the rough world. 
Early got picked up/lured/sold/chose to join the assassin guild and grew up there, learning the skills of killing people and still get fun out of it, exploring the joys of life. Growing up within the guild were a harsh experience, living in crowded apartments and doing all the hard, dirty work, testing and bullying by the older and realising that your life doesn't belong to you. Thus, he further dwelled into the fun of life, enjoying to shop and be surrounded in richness of various kinds as well as with playing with men and women, elven or human, alike.
Years passed, and he found himself a mage, who he quickly realised the potential of having around. Bringing him into the guild, he had gotten himself a new playmate, and some time afterwards, they had to journey to Kirkwall to nettle the guild into the chaotic city, to start to trade with slaves and other goods as well of trying to gain power.

Family: No. Well, maybe some kid out there, but no. He don't do family.

Significant Other(s):

Fun loving, carefree attitude who tries to see the better and the fun side of live instead of focusing on the bad. He is flirtatious, a joker and a party lover and is all that an outsider thinks an Antivan is, as well as a sneaky, flirty assassin. He has a more serious side to himself under all that, who like most longs for a real love and a steady life where you don't have to watch your back and be suspicious of everyone, to settle down and own his own life.

Plays with hair, can be annoyingly optimistic, chews lips, complains about the cold, is vain and likes to check himself out and fix his hair and clothes, wants things arranged at home and is somewhat of a clean freak, cracking his knuckles

Cleanness, drink games, cards, money, luxury, big beds, successful killings, wine, ladies, men, ladies and men, the sun, the beach, siestas, seafood, melons, baths


Snakes, mosquitos, dogs, horses, boring people, potatoes, hangovers, aches, nightmares, bad memories, the difficulty to be someone (when being an elf)


Being free and alive and not worrying about his life and friends.


Death, backstabbers, poison, racism, deceases.

Senast ändrad av Aicanassë den sön jun 26, 2011 7:17 pm, ändrad totalt 1 gång

Antal inlägg : 6
Join date : 11-05-10

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Characters and Storyline  Empty Marlon

Inlägg  Marlon sön jun 26, 2011 7:02 pm


Name: Marlon
Age: 27-ish.
Date of Birth: 26th of March
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: In a village somwhere in the coastlands of Ferelden.
Race/Ethnicity/Species: Human, Ferelden.

Physical Description

Height: About 170 cm, so not particularily tall.
Weight: Pending between too skinny and rather sturdy when he cares to eat properly.
Hair Colour: Medium blond.
Hair Length: Almost reaches his shoulders.
Hairstyle: Most part of his hair is let down freely, while a small part is tied up into a ponytail at the back.
Eye Colour: Green.
General Body Description: Has a rather wide set bodytype, with strong legs and thighs, but not particularily muscular, since he works more with his mind than his body.
Typical clothing style: Jackets and coats and tunics in earthy colours, often wears scarves and belts with many packing possiblities, so he can carry as much things with him as possible, no matter where he goes. Probably put down a bit of gold into getting a comfortable pair of boots.
Birthmarks: A few across various parts of his body, but nothing especially eyecatching.
Tattoos: None.
Scars: Has a few after the tavern brawls he's been in and escapes from the templars' eyes.
Skin tone: Light, but tans easily in summer.
Picture (link if available): I hope you saved those! (will put up pictures later)

Social Description

Financial Status: Pretty shitty.
Sexual Attitude: Shamlessly flirty. Very openminded about sexual partners and sexual situations in general, and usually takes a tumble in the hay for a bit of fun. He's faithful though, if he's found someone he likes better than just for a night of fun.
Moral Alignment: Marlon follows his own ways and morals, since the society obviously doesn't know right from wrong. He tries to help the people who has been wronged, or are hurt and looking for help. He wishes he could trust everyone to be kind to him back, but has seen too many examples of the opposite. He tries to think before he judges anyone, and therefore knows that thieves and other people often has no other option when they've been led on the wrong track. Sometimes those rich people don't need all their riches for themselves either, when other people need them much more...
Religious Alignment: Is more than a little bit doubtful about the existence of the Maker and Andraste, but he doesn't look down on the people who does believe.
Political Alignment: Believes in freedom of everyone; mages, slaves, elves, women and would never turn his back on any of them even when facing a much more powerful enemy like the blasted templars and their mage prisons.
Use of Drugs: Sometimes drinks too much (hence the involvement in tavern brawls at all) and has probably found some funny herbs at times.
Reputation: Was an admired healer in Ferelden for the poor refugees. Is now working for Aican's guild.
Criminal Status: Wanted apostate.


Highest Education Level Achieved: Knows how to read and write very well. Has read as many books about history and languages and magic as he could come across.
Occupation: Healer for Aican's gang (very persuasive bastards), and apostate on the run.
Hobbies: Laughing, having a good time with nice people, reading, helping others in need.
Languages & Dialects Spoken: Speaks with a very distinctive Ferelden accent.
Talents/Skills: As a mage he knows quite a bit about magic, and healing magic in particular. He knows how to get a laugh out of almost anyone and is also an excellent bullshitter. Can be terribly charming when he wants to get something/get out of something.


Character History:
Family: Grew up with his uncle and his family, since his mother died when he was very young, and his father (who was also an apostate) died at the hand of the templars when he refused to be taken to the circle of magi. His uncle has since then sworn to protect Marlon from the templars, so he doesn't fall to the same fate.
Significant Other(s): Only has a few past steady partners, and none currently.
Personality: Loves to joke and see the bright things in life, even if he far from ignores the dark parts, since he sees and lives it every day. He tries to make the best of his situation och can pull a joke about almost everything, no matter how sad, which can appear tasteless to some people.
Dislikes: Unfairness, templars, prejudice, being alone for too long, smelly cheese.
Dreams: A life without fear, where he, and nobody else has to always be on the run to be free. A world where everyone is equal and no one has to be looked down upon or misjudged.
Fears: To be captured by the templars and lose his freedom, or to fall to a demon and lose himself...

Antal inlägg : 17
Join date : 11-05-11
Ort : Kirkwall

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