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Karaktärer Empty Karaktärer

Inlägg  Eme sön apr 17, 2011 3:59 pm

Character Development Questions #1 - The Basics 
1. Name? Aicanassë.
2. Real name: Ehtelë.
3. Nicknames: Stare Heart, Thorn, Törn, Amaryllis.
4. Age? Has been around for a while. But seeing to the work he does and environments he is in, he is probably quite young. Or very good at what he's doing. (Is around 135 years old.)
5. Approximate height? 162cm.
6. Approximate weight? Thin, slim, nimble, but has some muscles.
7. Hair colour? Rich blond, sun dyed in summer.
8. Eye colour? Brown.
9. Skin tone? Toned.
10. Do they speak with an accent? He has a ground of his own mother tongue, Spanish pronunciation based, thus he lisps. His Shaultiska is heavy still with the accent and the Langtruei is affected by all of those accents. Throw in knowledge of Sindarin and basic Quenya and the accent can be even more funny.
11. Where are they from? He is from the world's largest elven realm, Feorthil. A subtropical forrest and plains.
12. Where are they now? In the northern country of Langtrue.

Character Development Questions #2 - Backstory 
1. Who are their parents? Biologically and socially. His parents were of working class. Father a wood carver, his mother a maid to a lady. Despite not living fancy, the family was rich in love and happiness and Aicanassë were dearly welcomed and their relationships were good. Circumstances that are forced away in memory made him grow up without parents from a young age.
2. What is their earliest memory? Riding on Father's shoulders, Mother walking by their side. A warm, humid day, birds chirping and Mother singing a song of love.
3. What did they want to be when they grew up? A politician. Or rich. Or perhaps a scholar.
4. What did/do their parents want them to be? They hadn't had the time telling. Happy, most of all.
5. Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Brothers or sisters? Not by blood.
6. Do they have or have they ever had children? How many? Might have some offspring, yes.
7. Do they or have ever had a significant other? Are they still with them? Why? Why not? No, why tie yourself down?
8. What were they doing right before the story starts? Travelling. For quite some time. His feet are probably all sore.
9. Up until now, what's the most noteworthy thing they've done? To them? To the people around them? To himself, killing a high raising man in a manner that looked spookily natural. His guild counts it as his best. For the general world, he has done nothing noteworthy.
10. What was their education like? Poor. Though to the elves beliefs that education and knowledge is good, he has basic knowledge of reading and writing. In his own tongue, his ability to write and read in other languages are bad, but he tries and learn by his mistakes. A surprisingly un-learned elf, this is.

Character Development Questions #3 - Tastes 
1. What's your character's favourite colour? Purple and yellow.
2. Do they/would they choose to wear a scent? What would it be? Something flowery, but with a deeper scent as not to smell to feminine.
3. Do they care about what things look like? All things, or only some? Yes, he is quite vain.
4. What's their favourite ice cream flavour? Would be strawberry had they ice cream.
5. Are they a tea, or coffee drinker? Or soft drinks, or do they drink a lot of alcohol? What kind? He likes fine wine and whisky, but seldom gets drunk due to the risks being intoxicated. Other than that he mostly drinks water and he likes fruit syrups.
6. What kind of books do they read? What TV shows and movies do they watch? Herbalism books and shady techniques of various subjects.
7. What kind of music do they like? Do they like music at all? The Elvish harp and flute and he finds human tavern music fun and stirring.
8. If they were about to die, what would they have as their last meal? A fine salmon and a fresh salad.
9. Are they hedonistic? In all cases? Or does practicality sometimes/always/often win out? Well, yes. He must enjoy life when he still has it.
10. Do they have any philias or phobias? He is scared of horses, big dogs and height. He has a fear of being poisoned or generally killed. Lice is nasty, spiders creepy. Chanting is way spooky as well.

Character Development Questions #4 - Morals, Beliefs, and Faith 
1. Do they have an internal or an external moral code? Internal, affected by the guild's moral code.
2. To what extent are their actions dictated by this code? All of his actions is affected by his internal, but his work moral is of a mix between his internal and the guilds external and the work moral also has become to affect his life as a whole.
3. Do they believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses/Higher being of some description? Sometimes. He wishes and wants to believe, but find it hard when he knows the dark sides of life.
4. Are they superstitious? Yes.
5. Do they value faith/instinct more highly than reason? He is instinct-driven but must act mostly on reason.
6. Do they believe in an afterlife? If so, what's it like? He badly wants to believe in an afterlife. An afterlife that doesn't judge by one's deeds, but ones' person.
7. Do they have any specific beliefs that manifest obviously? He may show a higher respect when in areas of religions, and perhaps you can catch him when he prays. But nothing obvious, no, if you can't read him well.
8. Are the respectful of the beliefs of others? To what extent? Mostly, but he still thinks paradoxical that believes are nonsense and wrong and stupid, but he may let them do rituals or pray or whatever they wish.
9. Have they ever had to stand up to criticism for being religious? Or not being religious? No, not really. He doesn't associate in environments that cares.
10. Would they be more likely to act for the good of the one, or the good of the many? Good for the one. But that in turn might be for the good of the many.

Character Development Questions #5 - Relationships 
1. Do they make friends easily? Yes. Or at lest he acts like he is making friends.
2. Do they have a best friend? Yes, but it can be dangerous for him and that best friend to admit to it to openly. He has, though work can make it doubtful and paranoid, some good friends as well.
3. Can they get people to do what they want them to? If so, how? Depends who they are. Within the guild, not so much. He can express thoughts most often, but can't decide. The subject, he tries his best to gain influence on to make them to what he wants.
4. Do they have a lot of romantic relationships? Serious, or short term? Yes. Short terms, thank you.
5. Do they fall in and out of love easily? Love... 'Tis just to have a good time, no?
6. Do strangers and acquaintances actually like them when they meet? If it's the real him, is the question, but mostly he seems like a friendly and good one. Some can think though, he is too much.
7. Do they have a network? Yes. A shady network, which is connected to some high people as well.
8. What is their relationship like with their family? Blood family, none. Made family, is good. So good it can be when most of them, as well as himself, are paranoid but with a which to really have a feeling of home and family still.
9. Are they still in touch with non-family people they were in touch with a year ago? Five years? Ten? More? Some of them, who still lives and he thinks good of. Not all, no.
10. Do they like children? Do they want children of their own? No, not anyone he must take care of. He can see them, but no responsibility, no, no.

Character Development Questions #6 - Physical Appearance 
1. How does this character dress? How would they choose to dress, if all options were open to them? Mostly it's practical with tight fitted clothes in earthy, or black in night, colours, when he travel. He likes loose shirts in private. But he also likes dress up, to have fine clothing and material, clothes that have taken a long time to make and that seems rich, both in earthy and more bright colours.
2. Do they have any tattoos? What do they mean? No.
3. Do they have piercings? How many? Is this culturally appropriate for them? He has some piercing in his left ear, but he doesn't decorate it all the times. Depends on what he does, where he is and what he does.
4. Do they have scars? Where did they come from? Has a scar on his hip. Fight wound.
5. Do they alter their appearance in some way on a regular basis? He has practiced colouring his hair, but mostly sticks to his own hair colour these days. He may shift dressing styles, hair styles and try to model his face appearance as good they can do in their time of living, after circumstances.
6. Is there something they'd choose to change about their appearance if they had the opportunity to? He seems really confident of his looks, both his small height and, in his set of society female appearance (to the humans he is, though he isn't that much feminine really) he isn't bothered with it. But perhaps, he can admit to himself, he might wish for another mouth, he thinks it's to lush sometimes though it is quite handy, and maybe his eyes it to elfish? Boy, but that is his ears to... No really, he does love his elven background, doesn't he now?
7. Is there something about their appearance they're particularly proud of/happy with? He likes the bone structure and skin, and his general appearance really.
8. Objectively, are they physically attractive? Fairly plain? Unattractive? He is pretty in general because of his elven blood.
9. Do they have an accurate mental picture and opinion of their physical appearance? He knows he is viewed as beautiful, yes, very much. Hush.
10. How much time do they spend thinking about their physical appearance? What else to think about on boring, long walks?

Character Development Questions #7 - General Knowledge 
1. Can they navigate their own local area without getting lost? To what degree? Yes, he can.
2. Do they know who the top politician or monarch is where they live? What about elsewhere? Yes, fairly good knowledge about that, naturally.
3. Do they know if/where there are any major conflicts going on right now? Yes.
4. Do they know the composition of water? No, who cares?
5. Do they know how to eat a pomegranate? No.
6. Are they good with the technology available to them? Average? Completely hopeless? Average, depending of what technology you mean. He doesn't know how to build things, but he can work a “lab” quite well.
7. Could they paint a house? Without making a mess of it? No, not at all.
8. Could they bake a cake? Would you eat it if they did? Fairly good.
9. Do they know how to perform basic maintenance on the common mode of transportation? No. Away with the horses. Carriages he doesn't know how to fix when broken.
10. Do they know the price of a loaf of bread? Yes.

Character Development Questions #8 - Specific Knowledge
1. Do they have a specific qualification in a narrow area? He is good with poison and herbs and thinks he is good in playing with the mind.
2. Is there something they do or know exceptionally well that most other people don't? Kill swiftly and unnoticed in appearance as if the dead were an accident or natural.
3. Do people often comment on a particular skill or area of knowledge to this character? Behind their back? Well, if they know the shady world, he has quite a good reputation. In Shault, at least.
4. Is there an area this character could be considered top of their field or a genius in? No.
5. Have they deliberately sought to gain knowledge in a specific area? If so, why? Yes, the above.
6. Do they speak more than one language? More than two? Why? Yes, due to his background and moving around. He speaks his home language, Sindarin, basic Quenya (you really don't need much of that language anyhow), Shaultiska and Langtruei.
7. Does their cultural background effect what they would be expected to know? As an elf, he is probably expected to be educational and knowledged about lots of things he doesn't know.
8. Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for being well-versed in something? No, you don't really brag about such stuff.
9. Have they ever been bullied for knowing a lot about something? Might, or at least teased.
10. Do they actively seek new knowledge, or let it come to them naturally? In the fields he must know, he seeks. Otherwise, it only comes to him if he cares and snap things up. Generally, he tries to be all-round educated in general stuff to ease in work.

Character Development Questions #9 - 'What if...' Questions 
1. What if they'd been born with a different biological sex? He might have had a harder time making a good living. Or being sold to some whore house. Or married away real young.
2. What if they'd have more or less siblings? He might have gone on a different path in life.
3. What if a key formative event in their past had gone differently? If he would have a family, he wouldn't live the life he does.
4. What if they lost a limb? He would kill himself.
5. What if someone close to them died unexpectedly? Ops...
6. What if they'd been born 50 years earlier? 100 years? 1000? Life is what life always has been. Just different kings and different battles.
7. What if they'd done something completely different on the morning when the story starts? One really doesn't know the effects yet, do we.
8. What if they found enough money to make them wealthy for the rest of their life in a bag? Alas, the joy! He would draw back, live a good life and only do tasks which he finds interesting. He still would be in the shady parts of life, but without the need of always making money and go around.
9. What if they were stranded and deserted? Well, he gets that sometimes. He tries to wake up his inner wooden elf.
10. What if they were betrayed by someone they trusted? Here please, I do want to be friends still, accept this bottle of wine, no, would you?

Character Development Questions #10 - Miscellany 
1. What did they have for breakfast this morning? An apple.
2. What ridiculous belief/s did they have as a child? What is ridiculous? Most if it is true in a way, no. Animals has spirits, humans are like they say, most often that not, orcs are beasts, and the world is chaos with the Gods and Goddesses not bothering. But, maybe the believe of love and family and true happiness where just silly hopes?
3. Do they like marshmallows? He would.
4. Do they sleep on their side, front, or back? He tries to sleep on his back, but always ends up on his side.
5. Do they work better with sound or silence? Both, though he likes life around him.
6. Do they have a strange obsession with something minor? He must brush his hair an exact amount of times. He doesn't eat green apples. He sniffs the drinks before he drinks it, watch the food. He doesn't take a straight way to where he is going, but takes a long way to eliminate possible followers.
7. Do they like art? Yes, why not. Fine art, a brag about money, thus nice.
8. How fast can they run? Fast.
9. Do they prefer to sit on the floor or on a chair? The floor gives much more possibilities.
10. What do they want, right now? A sign. And oh, please, a foot bath, if you'll kind.

Senast ändrad av Eme den mån apr 18, 2011 4:01 pm, ändrad totalt 3 gånger (Orsak för redigering : Changed the title of the topic. Age of Aican.)


Antal inlägg : 23
Join date : 11-02-16
Age : 35

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Karaktärer Empty Corliss

Inlägg  Eme mån apr 18, 2011 4:08 pm

Character Development Questions #1 - The Basics 
1. Name? Corliss Green.
2. Age? 28.
3. Approximate height? 172cm.
4. Approximate weight? She's not thin, but not “to” big. She's healthy.
5. Hair colour? Chocolate brown.
6. Eye colour? Green.
7. Skin tone? Fair, with hints of freckles in the summertime.
8. Do they speak with an accent? No. (British English)
9. Where are they from? Shault.
10. Where are they now? Shault.

Character Development Questions #2 - Backstory 
1. Who are their parents? Biologically and socially. Father an inn keeper, Mother a matron of said inn. Has a normal, good status and enough money. Has a normal, good relationship with them.
2. What is their earliest memory? When she got a bought doll on her birthday.
3. What did they want to be when they grew up? She has had no other illusion that she would become a wife and take over the inn.
4. What did/do their parents want them to be? Take over. Though she wants to take it over fully, parents might expect the husband to be the real runner. Though, they still love their daughter.
5. Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Brothers or sisters? No.
6. Do they have or have they ever had children? How many? Not yet.
7. Do they or have ever had a significant other? Are they still with them? Why? Why not? Not yet.
8. What were they doing right before the story starts? Everyday life.
9. Up until now, what's the most noteworthy thing they've done? To them? To the people around them? Nothing special.
10. What was their education like? She has only learned how to take care of a house and an inn.

Character Development Questions #3 - Tastes 
1. What's your character's favourite colour? Brown and sky blue.
2. Do they/would they choose to wear a scent? What would it be? She smells of newly baked buns and of earthy tones.
3. Do they care about what things look like? All things, or only some? No.
4. What's their favourite ice cream flavour? Would be pistachio.
5. Are they a tea, or coffee drinker? Or soft drinks, or do they drink a lot of alcohol? What kind? Tea and mead.
6. What kind of books do they read? What TV shows and movies do they watch? No.
7. What kind of music do they like? Do they like music at all? Folk music's good enough.
8. If they were about to die, what would they have as their last meal? Steak, potatoes, gravy.
9. Are they hedonistic? In all cases? Or does practicality sometimes/always/often win out? Pracital, though she don't say no to a good time now and then.
10. Do they have any philias or phobias? The dark, magic, loss of control.

Character Development Questions #4 - Morals, Beliefs, and Faith 
1. Do they have an internal or an external moral code? Inner.
2. To what extent are their actions dictated by this code? All of them.
3. Do they believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses/Higher being of some description? No.
4. Are they superstitious? No.
5. Do they value faith/instinct more highly than reason? Reason.
6. Do they believe in an afterlife? If so, what's it like? No.
7. Do they have any specific beliefs that manifest obviously? No.
8. Are the respectful of the beliefs of others? To what extent? Yes, but she may see it as a waste of time.
9. Have they ever had to stand up to criticism for being religious? Or not being religious? Not too much.
10. Would they be more likely to act for the good of the one, or the good of the many? For the good of one.

Character Development Questions #5 - Relationships 
1. Do they make friends easily? She's friendly but reserved.
2. Do they have a best friend? Yes.
3. Can they get people to do what they want them to? If so, how? Yes, she is good at getting her will through and direct others.
4. Do they have a lot of romantic relationships? Serious, or short term? No.
5. Do they fall in and out of love easily? No.
6. Do strangers and acquaintances actually like them when they meet? Yes. If they're not scared and intimidated by a strong woman.
7. Do they have a network? Yes.

Character Development Questions #6 - Physical Appearance 
1. How does this character dress? How would they choose to dress, if all options were open to them? In practical dresses, typical but modest “inn”-waitress clothes at work and normal, not to fancy clothes off of work. On special occasions she may dress in more bright colours.
2. Do they have any tattoos? What do they mean? No.
3. Do they have piercings? How many? Is this culturally appropriate for them? No.
4. Do they have scars? Where did they come from? Yes, normal everyday life scars.
5. Do they alter their appearance in some way on a regular basis? No.
6. Is there something they'd choose to change about their appearance if they had the opportunity to? She doesn't care too much to really give an answer.
7. Is there something about their appearance they're particularly proud of/happy with? If she must, she likes her teeth and mouth.
8. Objectively, are they physically attractive? Fairly plain? Unattractive? She has the features and aura of a strong, self going woman rather than a soft feminine woman. Depends of what your taste is. Some may see her as plain or even unattractive, some as fair.
9. Do they have an accurate mental picture and opinion of their physical appearance? No.
10. How much time do they spend thinking about their physical appearance? No.

Character Development Questions #7 - General Knowledge 
1. Can they navigate their own local area without getting lost? To what degree? Yes.
2. Do they know who the top politician or monarch is where they live? What about elsewhere? Yes.
3. Do they know if/where there are any major conflicts going on right now? Yes.
4. Do they know the composition of water? No.
5. Do they know how to eat a pomegranate? No.
6. Are they good with the technology available to them? Average? Completely hopeless? A Difficult question. Good, I guess.
7. Could they paint a house? Without making a mess of it? Yes.
8. Could they bake a cake? Would you eat it if they did? Yes.
9. Do they know how to perform basic maintenance on the common mode of transportation? Yes.
10. Do they know the price of a loaf of bread? Yes.

Character Development Questions #8 - Specific Knowledge 
1. Do they have a specific qualification in a narrow area? Uh, if inn-keepers skills counts, yes.
2. Is there something they do or know exceptionally well that most other people don't? No, well, maybe accounting.
3. Do people often comment on a particular skill or area of knowledge to this character? Behind their back? They might comment on her independence and strong nature, some thinks it's good, some say she shouldn't act like that if she wants a husband.
4. Is there an area this character could be considered top of their field or a genius in? No.
5. Have they deliberately sought to gain knowledge in a specific area? If so, why? Yes. To become a more skilled and better human.
6. Do they speak more than one language? More than two? Why? No.
7. Does their cultural background effect what they would be expected to know? She is expected to know wife-duty.
8. Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for being well-versed in something? No.
9. Have they ever been bullied for knowing a lot about something? No. Not in her face, at least.
10. Do they actively seek new knowledge, or let it come to them naturally? Seek.

Character Development Questions #9 - 'What if...' Questions 
1. What if they'd been born with a different biological sex? Sshe would have it easer doing everything she wants. Maybe she should start to play dress up.
2. What if they'd have more or less siblings? Had she a brother, her education wouldn't be the same as he would inherit the inn.
3. What if a key formative event in their past had gone differently? Nothing special has really happened.

4. What if they lost a limb? She would stay strong and proud still.
5. What if someone close to them died unexpectedly? Life must go on. She'll mourn in private.
6. What if they'd been born 50 years earlier? 100 years? 1000? Doesn't matter.
7. What if they'd done something completely different on the morning when the story starts? We'll see.
8. What if they found enough money to make them wealthy for the rest of their life in a bag? She would invest it and have an easier time doing what she wants as money give more freedom.
9. What if they were stranded and deserted? She'll manage for a time at least.
10. What if they were betrayed by someone they trusted? She'll never forget.

Character Development Questions #10 - Miscellany 
1. What did they have for breakfast this morning? Leftovers.
2. What ridiculous belief/s did they have as a child? Stories of spirits, pixies and such.
3. Do they like marshmallows? No.
4. Do they sleep on their side, front, or back? Back.
5. Do they work better with sound or silence? Silence.
6. Do they have a strange obsession with something minor? Equality.
7. Do they like art? Not fine art.
8. How fast can they run? Normally fast.
9. Do they prefer to sit on the floor or on a chair? Chair.
10. What do they want, right now? Ccan that delivery boy show up sometime soon, he's late already!


Antal inlägg : 23
Join date : 11-02-16
Age : 35

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Karaktärer Empty Farah

Inlägg  Eme mån apr 18, 2011 4:17 pm

Character Development Questions #1 - The Basics 
1. Name? Farah.
2. Nicknames: Nephrite.
3. Age? 26.
4. Approximate height? 164cm.
5. Approximate weight? Petite, soft, round.
6. Hair colour? Ink black.
7. Eye colour? Amber.
8. Skin tone? Pale olive to tanned olive.
9. Do they speak with an accent? Yes, with an arabic touch to the Shaultiska.
10. Where are they from? Spruckna Öknen.
11. Where are they now? Corwater, Shault.

Character Development Questions #2 - Backstory 
1. Who are their parents? Biologically and socially. Father a regarded story teller, Mother a carpet weaver. They had a fair life, not poor, but not the wealthiest. Always had food, and lots of acquaintances.
2. What is their earliest memory? A Fire Party under the Pregnant Moon.
3. What did they want to be when they grew up? A story teller like Father.
4. What did/do their parents want them to be? They had nothing against her wish.
5. Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Brothers or sisters? Older brother and younger sister.
6. Do they have or have they ever had children? How many? Yes, a son who has passed.
7. Do they or have ever had a significant other? Are they still with them? Why? Why not? She's been married. Has a on-and-of relationship with Aicanassë.
8. What were they doing right before the story starts? Thinking through her life, trying to make the actions she needs to make.
9. Up until now, what's the most noteworthy thing they've done? To them? To the people around them? Nothing particular. Surviving all by herself, perhaps.
10. What was their education like? She didn't get any “real” education. Just learned through Father's and older peoples stories.

Character Development Questions #3 - Tastes 
1. What's your character's favourite colour? Wine-red and dark green.
2. Do they/would they choose to wear a scent? What would it be? Her scent is bergamot: scents of oranges and lemons with elements of freesia and herbs.
3. Do they care about what things look like? All things, or only some? She keeps herself neat, but isn't to vain or caring of her looks.
4. What's their favourite ice cream flavour? Would be vanilla.
5. Are they a tea, or coffee drinker? Or soft drinks, or do they drink a lot of alcohol? What kind? Red wine, milk, honey water.
6. What kind of books do they read? What TV shows and movies do they watch? No.
7. What kind of music do they like? Do they like music at all? She likes the rhythmic, emotional songs and music of her home country. She hasn't heard much else besides Shault's tavern music.
8. If they were about to die, what would they have as their last meal? Lamb steak rubbed with herbs with couscous and chick-peas.
9. Are they hedonistic? In all cases? Or does practicality sometimes/always/often win out? She is a mix between the two, hedonistic because of the practical needs.
10. Do they have any philias or phobias? She is afraid of water, snakes and ghosts.

Character Development Questions #4 - Morals, Beliefs, and Faith 
1. Do they have an internal or an external moral code? Internal.
2. To what extent are their actions dictated by this code? Must of her actions is dictated by her believes.
3. Do they believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses/Higher being of some description? Yes.
4. Are they superstitious? A little, out of habit.
5. Do they value faith/instinct more highly than reason? Faith.
6. Do they believe in an afterlife? If so, what's it like? Yes, somewhat like Heaven and Hell.
7. Do they have any specific beliefs that manifest obviously? She meditates and prays.
8. Are the respectful of the beliefs of others? To what extent? Yes.
9. Have they ever had to stand up to criticism for being religious? Or not being religious? Sometimes.
10. Would they be more likely to act for the good of the one, or the good of the many? For the many.

Character Development Questions #5 - Relationships 
1. Do they make friends easily? She has an outgoing personality, but still is reserved. It may take time before you're really a friend.
2. Do they have a best friend? Yes.
3. Can they get people to do what they want them to? If so, how? She knows how to use her female charms.
4. Do they have a lot of romantic relationships? Serious, or short term? No, not personal. Her job makes it more than she would have chosen herself.
5. Do they fall in and out of love easily? No.
6. Do strangers and acquaintances actually like them when they meet? Mostly.
7. Do they have a network? Somewhat.
8. What is their relationship like with their family? Her parents are dead. She has some contact with her brother, but things aren't what they once used to be. No contact with the sister.
9. Are they still in touch with non-family people they were in touch with a year ago? Five years? Ten? More? Yes, though not those she knew 10 years ago.
10. Do they like children? Do they want children of their own? Yes, likes and wants.

Character Development Questions #6 - Physical Appearance 
1. How does this character dress? How would they choose to dress, if all options were open to them? In work she dresses in beautiful coloured fabrics, soft fabrics, lots of fabric but in a typical belly dressing fashion style and lots of ornaments and make up. In private she likes to dress in modest, mixing her own cultural dresses, colours and fabric with the fashion of Shault. She wears only skirts and dresses, seldom were trousers unless she by some reason has too, like some of her performance outfits. She likes jewellery.
2. Do they have any tattoos? What do they mean? No.
3. Do they have piercings? How many? Is this culturally appropriate for them? Piercing in ears and belly button.
4. Do they have scars? Where did they come from? She probably has a few you get from living.
5. Do they alter their appearance in some way on a regular basis? She wears make up, though not in private.
6. Is there something they'd choose to change about their appearance if they had the opportunity to? No.
7. Is there something about their appearance they're particularly proud of/happy with? She likes her hips and backside and her eyebrows.
8. Objectively, are they physically attractive? Fairly plain? Unattractive? She can come of as exotic and sensual, but is actually fairly plain.
9. Do they have an accurate mental picture and opinion of their physical appearance? Yet, she might be prettier than she thinks.
10. How much time do they spend thinking about their physical appearance? Not much.

Character Development Questions #7 - General Knowledge 
1. Can they navigate their own local area without getting lost? To what degree? Her part of town, yes. Not so much the rest of the capital.
2. Do they know who the top politician or monarch is where they live? What about elsewhere? She has an understanding of who rules the country. Nothing of the outside world. Or so she claims.
3. Do they know if/where there are any major conflicts going on right now? Just locally.
4. Do they know the composition of water? No.
5. Do they know how to eat a pomegranate? No.
6. Are they good with the technology available to them? Average? Completely hopeless? Hopeless.
7. Could they paint a house? Without making a mess of it? She probably could.
8. Could they bake a cake? Would you eat it if they did? She is a lovely cook.
9. Do they know how to perform basic maintenance on the common mode of transportation? No.
10. Do they know the price of a loaf of bread? Yes.

Character Development Questions #8 - Specific Knowledge 
1. Do they have a specific qualification in a narrow area? She is a good dancer and story teller.
2. Is there something they do or know exceptionally well that most other people don't? Well, her type of stories and dances perhaps.
3. Do people often comment on a particular skill or area of knowledge to this character? Behind their back? Behind her back, yes.
4. Is there an area this character could be considered top of their field or a genius in? No.
5. Have they deliberately sought to gain knowledge in a specific area? If so, why? Yes, she likes learning new things in various areas.
6. Do they speak more than one language? More than two? Why? She speaks “arabic” and Shaultiska.
7. Does their cultural background effect what they would be expected to know? They perhaps thinks she would know less and be more like a savage, but she is quite smart.
8. Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for being well-versed in something? No.
9. Have they ever been bullied for knowing a lot about something? No.
10. Do they actively seek new knowledge, or let it come to them naturally? Both.

Character Development Questions #9 - 'What if...' Questions 
1. What if they'd been born with a different biological sex? She probably wouldn't be as much in the situation as she is.
2. What if they'd have more or less siblings? Wouldn't matter.
3. What if a key formative event in their past had gone differently? She wouldn't even live in Shault.
4. What if they lost a limb? She'll find a way around it.
5. What if someone close to them died unexpectedly? She'll be sad, but that is life.
6. What if they'd been born 50 years earlier? 100 years? 1000? Wouldn't matter.
7. What if they'd done something completely different on the morning when the story starts? We'll see.
8. What if they found enough money to make them wealthy for the rest of their life in a bag? She would make the best of it. Help people, sort life out, do what she really wants.
9. What if they were stranded and deserted? She'll try her best. She is from a desert, and a half-nomadic family.
10. What if they were betrayed by someone they trusted? She would try to overlook it one time, but keep it in the back of her head.

Character Development Questions #10 - Miscellany 
1. What did they have for breakfast this morning? Bread, cheese, some fruit.
2. What ridiculous belief/s did they have as a child? All the fairy tales of the world. But such stories still is a comfort.
3. Do they like marshmallows? No.
4. Do they sleep on their side, front, or back? Stomach.
5. Do they work better with sound or silence? She prefers silence.
6. Do they have a strange obsession with something minor? She doesn't like a messy surrounding. Food has to be made in a special way. Doesn't eat all sort of meat.
7. Do they like art? Yes.
8. How fast can they run? Somewhat fast.
9. Do they prefer to sit on the floor or on a chair? Floor.
10. What do they want, right now? Some rest.


Antal inlägg : 23
Join date : 11-02-16
Age : 35

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Karaktärer Empty Sv: Karaktärer

Inlägg  Elias Hedlund tis maj 17, 2011 5:44 pm

Character Development Questions #1 - The Basics 
These are the first questions you need to answer about your character - the stuff you probably need to know to get started.
1. Name? Elias Hedlund.
2. Age? 24
3. Approximate height? 182cm
4. Approximate weight? Tunn och gänglig.
5. Hair colour? Ljusbrun.
6. Eye colour? Hazel.
7. Skin tone? Nordisk ljus.
8. Do they speak with an accent? När han pratar engelska pratar han med svensk brytning. När han pratar svenska har en riksvenska blandat med stockholmska.
9. Where are they from? Jakobsberg, Stockholm, Sweden.
10. Where are they now? London, UK.

Character Development Questions #2 - Backstory 
1. Who are their parents? Biologically and socially. Båda svenskar till ursprunget. Modern musiklärare på den lokala musikskolan. Fadern mellanchef på ett byggföretag.
2. What is their earliest memory? Att det inte är så bra att hoppa mellan hala bergsklippor för då ramlar man och slår ut tänder.
3. What did they want to be when they grew up? Polis och racerförare.
4. What did/do their parents want them to be? Dom låter honom välja själv.
5. Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Brothers or sisters? En ca. 15 år äldre syster från moderns tidigare äktenskap.
6. Do they have or have they ever had children? How many? Nej.
7. Do they or have ever had a significant other? Are they still with them? Why? Why not? Han trodde att han hade hittat den rätte, som han var tillsammans med i ca. 3 år. Men nej, inget ännu.
8. What were they doing right before the story starts? Skaffar jobb, fast bostad och vänja sig vid att bo utomlands, antar jag.
9. Up until now, what's the most noteworthy thing they've done? To them? To the people around them? Urgh. Lyckade uppträdanden på skolan eller nåt.
10. What was their education like? Dåliga betyg från högstadiet. Skolad i violin vid sidan av. Musiklinje med inriktning mot sång i gymnasiet.

Character Development Questions #3 - Tastes 
1. What's your character's favourite colour? Röd.
2. Do they/would they choose to wear a scent? What would it be? Nån Gucci-parfym.
3. Do they care about what things look like? All things, or only some? Generellt inte. Han ser till att han är renrakad och prydlig och fixar håret på morgonen, men det är för att allmänt vara proper än att han egentligen tycker att han blir finare av det. Jobbet gör att han inte kan se sluskig ut.
4. What's their favourite ice cream flavour? Blåbär.
5. Are they a tea, or coffee drinker? Or soft drinks, or do they drink a lot of alcohol? What kind? Kaffe med mjölk alt. Latte. Fanta eller Sprite. Ska det vara alkohol är det mer fruktiga drinkar som gäller.
6. What kind of books do they read? What TV shows and movies do they watch? Historiska romaner eller med mystiskinriktning. Nutida samhällsromaner. Annars musikteori och historia och sådant. Filmvis gillar han dramor eller meningsfulla filmer, riktiga händelser. Inte romantiska komedier eller sådant. TV-progrmam kan han slöfölja vissa dokusåpor och serier som Sopranos, men har lite dålig koll om inte folk laddar ner/tvingar honom att se något.
7. What kind of music do they like? Do they like music at all? Klassisk rock, indie-rock och viss pop, somliga blues- och jazzartister. Klassisk musik.
8. If they were about to die, what would they have as their last meal? Fläskfilé och potatisgratäng eller mammas korvstroganoff.
9. Are they hedonistic? In all cases? Or does practicality sometimes/always/often win out? Nja... Han tycker om att ha kul och njuta av livet, men man måste inse det praktiska av livet också.
10. Do they have any philias or phobias? Avskyr getingar, har svårt att gå på A-brunnar, är inte så förtjust i mörker eller att gå ensam hem om kvällarna/nätterna.

Character Development Questions #4 - Morals, Beliefs, and Faith 
1. Do they have an internal or an external moral code? Internal.
2. To what extent are their actions dictated by this code? Mestadels följer han den allmänna samhällsmoralen, men om han inte är styrd av det så fölher han sin egen moral.
3. Do they believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses/Higher being of some description? Nej.
4. Are they superstitious? Gällande framträdanden så är han det. Och med att tex lägga nycklar på bordet, men det är mer pga uppfostran eller vad man ska säga, en ren vidskeplighet.
5. Do they value faith/instinct more highly than reason? Instinkt.
6. Do they believe in an afterlife? If so, what's it like? Nej.
7. Do they have any specific beliefs that manifest obviously? Nej.
8. Are the respectful of the beliefs of others? To what extent? Alla får väl tro på det dom vill.
9. Have they ever had to stand up to criticism for being religious? Or not being religious? Nej.
10. Would they be more likely to act for the good of the one, or the good of the many? För dom flesta.
Character Development Questions #5 - Relationships 
1. Do they make friends easily? Ja.
2. Do they have a best friend? Ingen i London.
3. Can they get people to do what they want them to? If so, how? Han är oftast inte pushig nog att tvinga folk att göra som han vill.
4. Do they have a lot of romantic relationships? Serious, or short term? Nej, inte särskilt.
5. Do they fall in and out of love easily? Ja.
6. Do strangers and acquaintances actually like them when they meet? Ja.
7. Do they have a network? Inte på plats.
8. What is their relationship like with their family? Bra.
9. Are they still in touch with non-family people they were in touch with a year ago? Five years? Ten? More? Vissa barndomsvänner finns kvar, men generellt inte från så långt tillbaka i tiden. Dom flesta är från gymnasietiden och framåt.
10. Do they like children? Do they want children of their own? Gillar andras barn, men vill inte ha egna.

Character Development Questions #6 - Physical Appearance 
1. How does this character dress? How would they choose to dress, if all options were open to them? Avslappnat. Jeans och t-shirt eller ibland någon skjorta. Converse. Hoodies eller någon mer sportig jacka.
2. Do they have any tattoos? What do they mean? Nej.
3. Do they have piercings? How many? Is this culturally appropriate for them? Nej.
4. Do they have scars? Where did they come from? Har nog något ärr på hakan från när han halkade på stenarna.
5. Do they alter their appearance in some way on a regular basis? Nej.
6. Is there something they'd choose to change about their appearance if they had the opportunity to? Han är inte så förtjust i sina smilgropar.
7. Is there something about their appearance they're particularly proud of/happy with? Han gillar sin näsa.
8. Objectively, are they physically attractive? Fairly plain? Unattractive? Ja, han är fin.
9. Do they have an accurate mental picture and opinion of their physical appearance? Nej.
10. How much time do they spend thinking about their physical appearance? Inte mycket.

Character Development Questions #7 - General Knowledge 
How well acquainted is your character with the world around them? Han läser och ser på nyheterna.
1. Can they navigate their own local area without getting lost? To what degree? Han hittar inte så bra i London.
2. Do they know who the top politician or monarch is where they live? What about elsewhere? Ja.
3. Do they know if/where there are any major conflicts going on right now? Ja.
4. Do they know the composition of water? Ja.
5. Do they know how to eat a pomegranate? Nja.
6. Are they good with the technology available to them? Average? Completely hopeless? Han kan sköta sin dator och andra apparater, men om något större fel skulle hända kan han inte fixa det.
7. Could they paint a house? Without making a mess of it? Nog relativt bra iaf.
8. Could they bake a cake? Would you eat it if they did? Baka kan han väl, men om det blir ätligt är en annan femma. Enkla saker som chokladbollar och sockerkaka går bra.
9. Do they know how to perform basic maintenance on the common mode of transportation? Mecka med bilen är inte det roligaste.
10. Do they know the price of a loaf of bread? Ja.

Character Development Questions #8 - Specific Knowledge 
What about special skills? Stuff your character knows that other people are unlikely to?
1. Do they have a specific qualification in a narrow area? Nja, kanske med att spela fiol och skriva låtar/sjunga.
2. Is there something they do or know exceptionally well that most other people don't? Den här frågan får det alltid att låta som om det skulle handla om genier. Men han dom flesta människor kan väl inte skriva låtar, så det blir väl det svaret.
3. Do people often comment on a particular skill or area of knowledge to this character? Behind their back? Njea, det tror jag väl inte.
4. Is there an area this character could be considered top of their field or a genius in? Nej.
5. Have they deliberately sought to gain knowledge in a specific area? If so, why? För att bli bättre, såklart.
6. Do they speak more than one language? More than two? Why? Svenska, engelska. Man måste lära sig det i skolan.
7. Does their cultural background effect what they would be expected to know? Antagligen.
8. Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for being well-versed in something? Nej.
9. Have they ever been bullied for knowing a lot about something? Nej, inte för att ha kunnat något.
10. Do they actively seek new knowledge, or let it come to them naturally? Beror på ämnet.

Character Development Questions #9 - 'What if...' Questions 
1. What if they'd been born with a different biological sex? Sak samma.
2. What if they'd have more or less siblings? Sak samma.
3. What if a key formative event in their past had gone differently? Ingen aning.
4. What if they lost a limb? Skulle inte vara så glad om det handlade om en arm eller hand, men ett ben skulle han väl kunna offra om han måste.
5. What if someone close to them died unexpectedly? Sorg.
6. What if they'd been born 50 years earlier? 100 years? 1000? Livet skulle väl vara jobbigare på ett vis, men tänk att få ha varit med om den klassiska musikens storhetstid... Där skulle han nog ha passat in.
7. What if they'd done something completely different on the morning when the story starts? Ja... Skulle väl storyn aldrig finnas.
8. What if they found enough money to make them wealthy for the rest of their life in a bag? Wow. Lite ångest.
9. What if they were stranded and deserted? Panik och dö.
10. What if they were betrayed by someone they trusted? Oj, skulle ta ett tag för honom att komma över det och fatta och han skulle bli väldigt nedslagen.

Character Development Questions #10 - Miscellaney 
1. What did they have for breakfast this morning? Rostat bröd och kaffe.
2. What ridiculous belief/s did they have as a child? Tandféen, tomten, etc.
3. Do they like marshmallows? Det duger. Gott att grilla.
4. Do they sleep on their side, front, or back? Mage.
5. Do they work better with sound or silence? Beror på sammanhanget.
6. Do they have a strange obsession with something minor? Han måste kontrollera att spisen etc är avstängda x antal gånger innan han går hemifrån. Musiksamlingen måste stå i kronologisk- och bokstavsordning.
7. Do they like art? Ja, det är fascinerande.
8. How fast can they run? Måttligt, har inte den bästa konditionen.
9. Do they prefer to sit on the floor or on a chair? Stol.
10. What do they want, right now? En rast, kanske. Eller den där killens telefonnummer... Men överreagerar tjejerna inte lite väl mycket när han kommer?
Elias Hedlund
Elias Hedlund

Antal inlägg : 5
Join date : 11-01-15

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Karaktärer Empty Sv: Karaktärer

Inlägg  Maenrin ons maj 18, 2011 9:26 pm

Karaktärer Relax_by_lumaris-d34kk2q
Basic Statistics
Name: Maenrin Alealithar
Nickname: Rin, Alea men gillar inte nicknames.
Meaning of name: Betyder clever + något. Clever crowned tror jag det var.
Origin of name: Sindarin
Age: Ack... (Mänskligt kring 38).
Gender: Man
Blood type: AB
Astrological sign: Lejon
Chinese zodiac: -
Element: Eld
Nationality: -
Ethnicity: -
Race/Species: Alv
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Current status (marital/dating): Singel
Political Party: Center-höger
Police/Criminal/Legal record: Nej
Social class as a child: Överklass
Social class as an adult: Överklass
Birth date: 19:e augusti
Birth place: -
Current residence: Alealitharin; lantligt familjegods.
Occupation: Godsägare (spekulant, affärsvärlden).
Title/Rank: Sir, Lord (ev)
Hobbies/Pastimes: Fest, spel, dejting, konst, konstsamlande, resa, familjeliv, böcker, politik när han orkar och bryr sig.
Talents/Skills/Powers: Människokännare, kreativ, affärskänsla.

Past History
Hometown: -
First Memory: Minns inte...
Most important childhood event that still affects him/her; how/why: Broderns dominerande, mötet med framtida frun.
Other memories/events that still affects him/her; why/how: Incidenter med fru och familj, intriger, etc.
Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why: Öh, familjemisslyckanden.
Biggest role model and why: Mentor Caladgelon.
Biggest disillusions from childhood: Bekymmersfri värld och fina familjeförhållanden och att skådespel är äkta vara.
Backstory: Yngst i en av dom större alviska adelsfamiljerna med personliga knytningar till landets regentfamilj.Hovintriger, skådespeleri, överklassfamiljers förmåga att inte bry sig om det som är reellt och sämre och spelade charader är en stor påverkan från barndomen.

Physical Characteristics
Height: 190cm.
Weight: Alviskt tunn.
Posture: Rak, elegant.
Build: Slank, med smidig muskulatur.
Skin: Ljus.
Hair: Rich blonde.
Widow's peak: No.
Ears: Pointy.
Eyes: Grön, mandelformade. Långa ögonfransar.
Nose: Rak, något aristokratisk.
Mouth/Lips/Teeth: Raka, jämna, friska tänder. Lagom fylliga läppar, relativt stor/bred mun.
Face shape: Oval.
Expressions: Arrogantly impish boredom
Describe their smile: Crooked, retsamt, smug. Men privat och mer äkta så är det mjukt varmt.
Hands: Pianofingrar
Feet: Inget märkvärdigt med dom. Normal feet.
Glasses/Contacts: Nej
Tatoos/Scars: Nej
Ambidextrous, left or right handed?: Vänster
Distinguishing features: Klassisk alviskt apperance. Det är helheten mer än något individuellt i utseendet som gör att han ser okej ut. Egentligen är han nog ganska vardaglig, men auran och sättet han för sig på gör att han verkar finare än vad han kanske egentligen är.
Who does s/he take after; mother or father?: Modern
Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): Avslappnat elegant.
How does s/he dress or what do they typically wear?: Redan svarat. Elegant, snobbigt, fint, etc.
Other outfits one might find in their wardrobe: Dress-down clothes. Avslappnade hemmakläder. Luftiga skjortor, mjuka byxor.
Jewelry and/or other accessories: Absolut, men inte pråligt mycket. Varierar från dag till dag, från ringar, armband till halsband.
Weapons: Bär oftast inte omkring på något, har finsmidat svärd.
Health: Duger.
Hygiene: Närmast pedantiskt ren.
Physical Flaws: Månne något för androgyn?
Physical Qualities: Fina allmänna drag, inbjudande utseende.

Other Characteristics
Is s/he generally balanced or clumsy?: Balanserad
Describe their mannerisms/poses/movement: Ledigt elegant, avslappnat "jag är så snygg" rörelser, sultry.
Describe their walk: Självsäkert, bestämt, går snabbt.
Habits/OCDs/Obsessions: Alkohol, impulsiv, glömsk, arrogant, oansvarig, självbelåten, spel, slösare, bita naglar och leka med hår, rastlös, aldrig nöjd.
Speech patterns: Kan verka något slött, osammanhängande och sluddrande.
Unique phrases: Rent generellt kan han uttrycka sig gammalmodigt.
Do they curse, and if so, to what extent: Nej, väldigt sällan.
Write a piece of dialogue that this character might say (can be between someone else): "Verkligen, tsk... Nå, jag tror nog att det skall lösa sig till allas belåtenhet."
Describe their voice: Mjukt mörk, kan ha en ovana att antingen tala för lågt eller för högt. Den generella tonen är uttråkad självbelåtenhet, men det är en sådan röst man tycker om att lyssna på.
Describe their sleep patterns (light/heavy sleeper, no sleep, sleeps too often, etc): Lättsovande, för lite sömn till inget alls.
Describe their eating patterns/diet (What do they eat, how do they eat, how often, are they picky, high, low, or average metabolism): Lite, petande, kräsen.
Describe their house/dwelling: Stort gods gjord av sten. Nära nog till huvudstaden för att man ska kunna ta sig in dit då och då för nöje och affärer men tillräckligt långt ifrån för att slippa storstädernas jobbigheter. Stora marker som delvis utnyttjas för att vara självförsörjande med odling och boskap. Ägorna har en lagom stor damm/sjö och en anlagd park. Nöjesdjur finns också. Nära till omgivande hav och skog. Inredning skvallrar om pengar, något pompöst, men inte pråligt. Rent och välskött.
Describe their bedroom: Stor säng med sidenlakan, mjuka kuddar och duntäcke om vintrarna. Sängdraperier för att blockera det solljus som kan komma in från stora fönster och tunga gardiner. Nattduksbord på var sida om dubbelsängen. Mjuka mattor, tunga byråer och garderober. Tvättfat och kanna för dricksvatten finnes. En hylla med dom allra viktigaste böckerna som han vill ha nära. En stoppad, sliten fåtölj vänd mot fönstret. Är relativt prydligt, men kläder från gårdagen kan finnas utspridda över rummet och ett och annat kvarglömt eller borttappad papper och mappar kan man också hitta. Färgtonerna mjuka och sövande, blått, grönt osv och rummet ljust och luftigt.
Describe their daily rituals: Stiger upp sent om dagarna, drar inte upp gardiner (hushållerskan öppnar och vädrar när hon kommer in), letar efter några sköna, roliga kläder att ha på sig. Kammar och piffar eventuellt till sig beroende på hur han känner sig och exakt vad han ska göra, men om det är en helt vanlig dag så skits håret i. Hoppar över frukost/lunch, men tar ett glas färskt vatten som någon fyllt på innan han vaknat. Tar sig ut till arbetsrummet. Kommer om en stund tillbaka för att leta efter något papper eller annat viktigt. Går tillbaka. Sitter där i timmar. En runda till biblioteket. Tillbaka till arbetsrummet. Störs av någon som vill ge honom något att äta fram till middagen senare under kvällen. Jobbar vidare. Tar en paus och sätter sig i burspråket för att titta ut. Lyckas kanske somna/vila lite. Gör sig i ordning för middag. Går ner och äter och umgås med hushållet. Leker, spelar, läser något för Rae beroende på ålder etc. Nattar. Drar sig vidare till biblioteket några timmar. Hela dagen stöttas av något vinglas eller så. Senare under natten tar han sig en runda kring huset, och går ut för lite frisk luft. Kring småtimmarna upp till sovrummet för att förhoppningsvis få lite sömn.

Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Intelligence level: Åtminstone normalhög.
Known languages: Sindarin, Quenya, Människosoråk.
Long-term goals/desires in life: Hålla sig, familjen vid liv. Ha ett normal, lyckligt liv.
Short-term goals/desires in life: Lyckas med uppfostran, komma över svek, återupprätta rykte.
How does s/he dress or what do they typically wear?: Redan svarat. Elegant, snobbigt, fint, etc.
Secret desires: Att frun ska återvända, relationerna mellan familjen ska bli bättre.
How self-confident is s/he?: Har högt självförtroende. För det mesta. Låtsas vi.
How do they see him/herself?: Har egentligen en anspråkslös syn på sig själv. Han vet sina brister, fel och det han har gjort fel och alla dåliga sidor och drag han gjort under sitt liv. Vissa dagar kan han därför tycka dåligt om sig själv, men när han kommer över eller ignorerar det mesta så tycker han bra om sig själv.
How do they believe s/he is perceived by others?: Dålig, värdelös, spännande, roligt tidsfördriv, bra. Beror helt på vilka, hur dom känner honom, sen när dom känt honom osv.
What is the character most proud of?: Sitt barn, antagligen.
What does s/he like least about his/herself?: Sina laster och brister och självupptagenhet och att han inte ger sonen tillräcklig med tid och uppmärksamhet som han vet att han borde.
How do they express themselves?: Bra.
Is this character generally dominant or submissive?: Dominant.
Describe their level of patience: Låg
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: Känslor
Most at ease when: Hemma i det helt privata, ensam eller med någon han litar på. Eller om han fått tillräckligt att dricka rent generellt.
Ill at ease when: För stora intrigsammanhang, situationer han inte kan kontrollera, stora familjesammanträden.
Describe his/her sense of humor: Retsam och något barnslig, men kan också ha en torr och sarkastisk humor.
If granted one wish, what would it be and why?: Lugn och lycka.
Character/Personality/Mental/Social Strengths: Lätt att ha att göra med, kul och lättsam, chilled, trevlig, gillar att få personer att känna och må bra, ivrig, arbetsmoral, sålänge han har fokus så strävar och arbetar han hårt mot sitt mål, omtänksam, vänlig, familjeinriktad. Flirtig.
Character/Personality/Mental/Social Flaws: Självgod, arrogant, kan trots allt vara en dålig lyssnare och ha dålig uppmärksamhet och fokus gentemot personer, deras önskningar och mål. Impulsiv, lågt tålamod, rastlös, vill för mycket, lätt att bli besatt utav saker. Flirtig.
If they could be described with one of the seven virtues, which would it be?: Generositet.
If they could be described with one of the seven sins, which would it be?: Vällust.
Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): Sitt hjärta.
Optimist or pessimist: Optimistisk pessimist.
Greatest fear: Kastlöshet, något ska hända med Rae, krossat hjärta, olyckligt liv.
Other fears/phobias: Operfekthet, spindlar, misslyckanden, gillar inte grodor eller blod.
Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: Öh... Inget vad jag kan komma på.
Biggest regret: Hur förhållandet med frun sköttes, hanterades och behandling av varandra.
Other regrets: Dåliga affärer, dålig taktik, agerande gentemot vissa personer.
Biggest accomplishment: Nja... Sådant blir smått över tiden, så inget särskilt.
Minor accomplishment: Meep.
Musical talents/instruments: Inte särskilt intresserad av att lära sig spela något.
Character's darkest/deepest secret: ...
Does this character have a deep/dark secret?: Yes.
Does anyone know about it?: No.
Other/minor secrets: ...

Likes: Alkohol, fest, sex, böcker, åska, ensamhet, jakt på det ena eller andra viset, umgås med son/familj, vara vid havet, sommarpromenader, arbeta, djur.
Dislikes: Mat, varma dagar, tjatighet, oärlighet, tomt prat, oförstående, konservativitet, omatchande möbler, oskött trädgård, regler, kalla golv.
    Color: Havsblå.
    Clothing: Enkel tunika/skjorta och mjuka byxor.
    Place and why: En liten havsby, för lugnet och friden och fina miljöer.
    Room in the house and why: Biblioteket. Lugnt, tyst, mörkt, tomt.
    Food/drink: Nån sallad/vin.
    Music genre: -
    Song and Singer/Band: -
    Movie/Tv Show/Performance: -
    Actor/Performer: -
    Book: Någon spännande roman som kan få honom att lämna den här världen för en stund.
    Historical figure: -
    Subject in school: Språk, politik
    Animal: Katt
Least favorite...:
    Clothing: Polo/hög krage.
    Place: Broderns hem.
    Food/drink: Det mesta, mjölk.
    Music genre: -
    Subject in school: "Idrott", historia.
Simple pleasures: Tystnad, mysa framför eldstaden under vintern med något varmt att dricka, tokiga saker Rae gör, soluppgångar, höstpromenader, hänga utomhus under sommarnätter, härliga tyger, havsvinden, sömn, hängmattan i trädgården, deras katter, förförande,
Greater pleasures: Frid, tillfredsställelse osexuellt, umgänge med någon äkta, känslan att vara kär om han tillåter och accepterar det, kvalitetstid med Rae, utflykter, böcker, leenden, generositet, lagom varma dagar,
Where does this character hang out?: Hemma, hemma hos folk, exklusiva klubbar och lokaler.
Where is this character's dream place to live?: Trivs bra där han bor.
Motto/Personal quote: "Make everyday count".
Mode of transportation: Fötter, häst, vagn.
Most prized possession and why: Kvarlämnat halsband från frun, tjock läderbok från mentorn.

Emotional Characteristics
Describe character's sense of morals: Jämställdhet, man ska behandla andra såsom man själv vill bli behandlat, godhet, generositet, men han följer inte alltid sin egen moral heller.
What do they consider taboo (something they personally would never do): Grymhet mot barn, skada oskyldiga, döda rent generellt.
Describe character's etiquette: Väluppfostrat och god och klassiskt, men kan släppa etiketten ibland.
Describe character's sense of self-control: Medel, beror på hur dagen är, sammanhang etc och vad självkontrollen är för.
Spontaneous or structured?: Spontan.
Instinctual or logical?: Instinkt.
How does this character act in public?: Samlad, kontrollerad, ädelt, med en arrogant aura, men välvillig och generös om situationen kräver så.
How does this character act in privacy?: Avslappnat, varmt, vänligt, fint, utan charader och stroppighet och självgodhet. Genuin. Vänlig och varm bara.
How does this character act around strangers vs. how they act around friends?: Mer stram och återhållsam och kontrollerad, artig och stel gentemot främlingar men kan skämta och smådriva och försöka mjuka upp främlingar och mer skämtsam och retsam, avslappnat och mjuk mot vänner.
How does this character act around family?: Beror på vilken del av familjen. Mot brodern är han mer hård, envis, "ungdomligt dum och naiv" och sträv. Systern är han mer lillebroderlig emot, vänlig, välmenande, retsam, men kan vara på sin kant. Är oftast en god son mot sin moder, men kan också vara avig emot föräldrarna, beror på hur dom träffas och hur omständigheterna är.
How has this character most changed from youth?: Naiva drömmar och föreställningar har spruckit, den realla världen och sanningen är mer uppenbar. Han är mindre pålitlig och naiv, även om han till viss del är det även, och försöker ta allt med en nypa salt.
How have they remained the same?: Vill fortfarande tro det bästa om folk och leva i drömmarna, kan vara samma naiva oskyldiga varelse som han var när han var ung, och håller fast vid sina principer och kämparglöd som han hade förr.
Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they knew?: Yes.
How does this character deal with or react to...:
    Conflict/Danger: Envishet i konflikter han tycker han är rätt i och kan vara självupptagen i konflikter. Han riskerar inte sitt eller andras liv i onödan, så han tar fara på allvar och är försiktig och uppmärksam.
    Rejection: Mestadels dåligt, men om det var ett slöragg så inte så allvarligt.
    Fright: Med återhållen rädsla?
    Change: Bra, förändringar behövs då och då.
    Loss: Dåligt.
    Sex/Flirting: Bring it (men vill jag egentligen? Äsch, bring it).
    Pain: Biter ihop/ignorerar.
    Stress: Dricker, struntar i sömn och mat.
    Peer pressure: Han går sin egen väg och skiter (oftast) i sådant.
    Guilt: Ångest.
    Being wrong: Envishet och svårhet att erkänna det.
    Being criticized: Pfht. Vad vet dom?
    Being insulted (superficially: name calling, etc): Skakar av sig det.
    Offending others: Om dom förtjänar det så får dom skylla sig själva. Var det av oaktsamhet och otakt eller någon som inte förtjänade det så mår han dåligt och kan komma att be om förlåtelse.
    Praise: Anspråkslöst smugness eller förlägenhet beroende på vem som berömmer.
    Being loved: Oj. Rädsla, förvirring, ångest, glädje, kärlek, upprymdhet, försiktighet, misstänksamhet, iver.
    Being hated: Är inte så kul, men får accepteras. Ögonen öppna, kan försöka att få parten som hatar honom att ändra sig eller vara likadan och hata tillbaka.
    Humiliation: Med stil och låtsas som att det inte hänt (men skäms ihjäl privat).
How does this character express...:
    Anger: För det mesta håller han det inom sig och visar bara irritation, men det kan smälla till.
    Sadness: Dåligt. Har svårt att visa sorgsenhet inför andra, så det byggs upp inom honom och släpps ut när han är ensam.
    Fear: Blir mer stel och uppmärksam, men erfarenhet av att ha barn så försöker han tämja sådant för att inte skrämma upp barnet och det sitter alljämt i även om det inte finns barn i närheten.
    Happiness/Excitement: Lugnt, återhållsamt med små gester och leenden. Yvigt och vilt och mer fritt i det privata med vänner.
    Love (Consider the 'Five Languages of Love'): Det orkar jag inte ens beskriva. Som vanligt, alltifrån små hemliga berörningar, gester, och smekningar till att helt öppet visa kärlek beroende på omständigheter och situationer.
    Lust: Hur visar man lust? Ja.
    Stress: Det syns oftast på honom, mer irrig och uppjagad än vanligt. Mer glömsk och disträ och svårare att slappna av än annars.
    Dislike (of a person, thing, or idea): See this face thats nearly doesn't ever bother to show dislike?
    Approval (of a person, thing, or idea): See this face thats nearly doesn't ever bother to show approval? Men det kan du se i att leendet blir mer mjukare än vanligt och ögonen mer pigg och uppmärksammat och glimmande.
How does this character generally express themselves?: Mycket gestikulerande och små men tydliga ansiktsuttryck, använder mycket kroppspråk. Muntligt så uttrycker han sig bra.
What does this character think/feel about...:
    Marriage: Var något han trodde på, på alla sätt och vis. Tycker fortfarande tanken är fin, men tror inte på det på samma naiva sätt.
    Children: Är livets gåva och plåga.
    Family/Family Values: Blod är tjockare än vatten, men blod är djävligt äckligt.
    Children/Youth: Gulligt och förrädiskt. Hanterar barn bra.
    Old age: Hm... Förhoppningsvis blir man visare och inte så tråkig.
    Sex: Kör på, en av livets godsaker, inget att smussla eller skämmas för.
    Love: Hanterar och accepterar det inte alltid så bra, men ska försöka. Det är något som man borde ta tillvara på om det ges en.
    Friendship/Other relationships: Vänskap är kul och viktigt och något han uppskattar och vårdar. Men kan bli misstänksam också, liksom alla andra mot honom, med tanke på maktspel och positioner. Men vänner är annars det bästa som finns.
    Homosexuality: Haha. Seriöst?
    The opposite sex: Mums. Hanterar för det mesta bra. Men kvinnor är knepigare och mer svåra än män.
    The same sex: Mums. Hanterar för det mesta bra.
    Money/Material things: Han gillar att spendera pengar och är inte alltid den bästa att sköta ekonomin. Men han är bättre nu än förr, och lär sig.
    Politics: Är han ofrivilligt född in i. Han förstår vikten av politik och maktspelet, men gillar inte alltid dess regler och vad det gör mot folk. Han gillar inte själv att vara inblandat och leka politik, men kan ge sig in i det om han måste för överlevnads skull.
    Religion: Tror på landets religion.
    Destiny/Duty: Har lite svårt att tro på ödet med sitt långa liv, men det är skönt att luta sig emot ibland. Plikt, känner han väl till och uppskattar inte tvånget.
    Magic/Myth: "I am a myth". Magi har han större förståelse för och uppskattning mer än människosläktet, månne, men det man kan göra med magi är inte alltid bra.
    Racism/Races in general: Har rasistiska tendenser. Anser sin egen ras vara högre och bättre än människan rent generellt, men om han skulle lära känna någon skulle han nog, kanske, möjligt, acceptera och förstå den bättre.
    Science/Technology: Hm? Alvsamhället utvecklas långsamt, trots allt...
    Nature/Animals: Har själar och är fint och allt sådant, men är inte lika fanatiskt som sina skogssläktingar.
    Modernity: Spännande... Men, nödvändigt? Men fascinerande, han gillar förändringar trots allt.
    Antiquity: Haha.
    Their past: Har väl varit till någon nytta och han accepterar den, går ändå inte att göra något åt och det har generellt varit bra.
    Their future: Blir bra, förhoppningsvis.
    Their role in society/job/etc: Tämligen viktig.
    Drugs and alcohol: Ja, tack. (Men mitt barn får inte börja...)
    Killing/Murder: Nej, usch.
    Education: Bra och hög.
    The foreign/unknown: Spännande, konstigt, läskigt, men nog normalt om man anstränger sig att lära känna det.
How does the character view life?: Som något som alltid är, en konstant linje av tid, långsamt, det som är.
How does the character view death?: Mystiskt, läskigt, men alla får nog tillslut.
How does the character view society?: Finns mycket dåligt med samhället, men också det som är bra. Kommer alltid att vara på det viset, men ändringar borde och kan ske om folk inte vore så konservativa.
How does the character imagine his/her own death?: Lugnt... och något med vatten. Men han hoppas att det inte kommer att gå så långt, utan att han seglar iväg till andra sidan (hej Tolkien, jag snor det tills vi diskuterat allt sådant xD)
What does the character want out of life?: Finns så lite... men så mycket...
What does this character consider 'success' to be?: Personlig lycka.
What would the character like to change in his/her life?: Uh. Personliga relationer, livsöde, livslott, men är helt okej och nöjd med sitt liv ändå.
What motivates this character and why?: Sonen, hoppet, drömmar, begär, åsikter
What discourages this character and why?: Otacksamhet, viss familj, misslyckanden, inget händer.
What makes this character happy and why?: Fina gester, familjetid, äkta känslor, vänner.
What makes this character sad and why?: Minnen, vissa personers uppföranden, negativitet
What makes this character angry and why?: Familjs blindhet, oförståelse, idioti
What humiliates this character?: Privata angelägenheter som läcker ut till allmänheten, öh.. säkert massa mer. Det var en svår fråga. Kränkningar.
What most describes this character's personality?: Komplex, skyddad, lager på lager. Det man ser är inte alltid äkta vara, även om han är allt det han visar upp. Varm och välmenande, men kan gå så fel.
Psychoanalysis (Describe why they act the way they do): Mycket härstammar från barndomens uppfostran och händelser. Skådespeleri vanligt, och känslor skulle gömmas och maskeras och bara det bra och fina lyftes fram. Det dåliga och skämmiga diskuterades aldrig utan sopades under mattan, så man kunde aldrig riktigt vädra saker. Korrekt och stramt, men med kärleksfulla, fina stunder inom allt. Den yngste av barnskaran har han både varit väldigt daltat med och hårt pressad att bli lika bra som sin bror och syster. Om man tar det riktigt kort och inte så djupt.
Does it stem from childhood or an event, or chemical?: Barndom, händelser.

Relationships with Others
Relationship skills: Medel.
Loves: Ingen. Eller ja, Rae, och sin familj typ.
Lusts: Dom flesta.
Crushes: Njea, inte riktigt just nu.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend(s): Nej.
Other lover(s): Har två stadigare affärer.
First crush...:
    How did it start?: Sommardagar och kvällar, och dom enda riktigt unga i sällskapet, så dom tydde sig till varandra.
    Did it last?: No.
Best friends: Har någon
Friends: Snäll, rolig, givmild, omtänksam, virrig, en kul typ att ha i sällskapet.
Confident/Mentor: Hade.
Hates: Hm...
Dislikes: En del. Tycker inte om brodern särskilt mycket.
Rivals: Bror, vissa kusiner, andra.
Pets: Några katter, möjligt någon hund och andra djur.
What kind of person would s/he consider to be the perfect partner?: Någon jordnära, söt, som inte bryr sig särskilt om materiella ting och intriger, ingen maktlystnad, trivs med hemmaliv men är inte slät och tråkig. Ska gilla att göra saker, vara lite äventyrslysten. Bara... helt normal, utan påverkan av samhällets topp.
How is s/he perceived by...:
    Strangers: Korrekt, lite konstig kanske, lite för påstridig och radikal ibland, men är nog bra.
    Friends: Snäll, rolig, givmild, omtänksam, virrig, en kul typ att ha i sällskapet.
    Coworkers/Colleagues: Bra arbetsmoral, för modig och impulsiv ibland, svänger för mycket.
    Lover(s)/Partner(s): Svår, intensiv, givmild, varm, disträ, ointresserad, passionerad, spretig.
    Family: Naiv, dumstridig, ynglig, orealistisk, motarbetsam, lillebrorig, annorlunda, förtroendefull, spännande, förvirrad själ.
What happens to change this perception if at all?: Ingen aning.
Is s/he judgmental of others?: Yes.
To what extent?: Dömer efter ras och klass, men kan ändra sig.
Describe their sense of trust: Relativ hög ändå. Han vill tro det bästa, men vågar inte alltid.
What type of individuals does s/he like or associate with?: Frisjälade, roliga, uppsluppna, genuina, opolitiska, äkta personer.
How do they treat members of the opposite sex?: Oftast som en gentleman ska.
How do they treat members of the same sex?: Beror helt på, men bra mestadels.
What do family/friends like most about character?: Frigjord, nytänkande, varm och välmenande.
What do family/friends like least about character?: Naiv, riskabel, dumstridig, orealistisk, inser inte sitt bästa

Sex/Romantic Life
What do they consider to be a romantic setting/activity/date?: Fin middag, picknick ute på ägorna, sommarkvällar vid havet.
What did they do on their first date?: Var på en bal så dans, mat och balliknande saker.
How does a typical date go for this character?: Bra, om det blir någon dejt.
How would they like to propose or be proposed to?: Oväntat, inte inte tillgjorda händelser som en riktig lyxig middag. Utan en vinterkväll framför brasan, eller något sådant jordnära.
Has this character lost their virginity?: Yes.
When did h/she lose it?: Kring 16-år.
Was it consensual?: Yes.
How sexual is s/he?: Mycket.
How does s/he feel emotionally after sex? : Rastlös, otillfredsställd, ångest. Oftast. Vissa gånger är det bra för tillfället.
Does this character have self control around individuals of their sexual desire?: Ja, oftast.
Does sex play an important role in their relationships and to what extent?: Ja, då han närmast bara har sexuella relationer.
Turn-ons: Naivitet, rodnad, förlägenhet men också folk som vågar ta för sig och inte skäms, höfter, lår, läppar, jakten att få någon
Turn-offs: Alltför pryda personer, döda fiskar, tvång, stelhet, känslolöshet, för tysta personer, folk som inte kan snacka dirty på rätt sätt.
Fetishes/Fantasies/Kinks: Uh... Kan gilla det mesta så länge det inte är för konstigt.
Sexual peculiarities/flaws: Nää-ä. Ta reda på det själv.
Sexual perks: Nää-ä. Det får ni också ta reda på själva.
Sexual flaws: Kan vara något egoistiskt när det gäller engångsligg, särskilt om dom inte bor i närheten eller har någon särskilt koppling med något/någon som gör att det kan hugga honom i ryggen senare. Sedan är han en normal man på alla sätt och vis.
Usually on the top or bottom?: Top, men är flexibel.
Dominant or submissive?: Dominant, men är flexibel.
Have they ever impregnated someone, or been impregnated?: Yes.
Was it planned?: Yes.
Was it a successful birth?: Ja.
Did they keep, abort, or put the baby up for adoption; why or why not?: Behöll.
Did s/he stay with the family/partner; why or why not?: Han, ja.
How has the pregnancy changed him/her?: Well... Nu har han ett barn att ta hand om. Tvungen till att åsidosätta sitt eget liv, bli någon han ännu inte är.
Has s/he ever had intercourse or a sexual experience with someone of the same sex?: Yes.
With whom?: Många.
Was it planned?: Yes.
Was it consensual?: Yes.
How did they feel afterwards?: Som vanligt.
What ultimately happened as a result?: Inget särskilt.
Possible pscyhological reasons for their sexual fantasies/behavior: Dels så är det kul och gulligt och sexigt och... ja, finns nog psykologiskt skit bakom det också.

Immediate family members and their ages: Fader. gammal.
Moder, gammal.
Bror, ca 47år i människoår.
Syster, ca 42 i människoår.
Raeneth, son, cirkus 15-17.
Ethnicity and/or species of the mother: Alv, härstammar möjligen från ett annat land.
Ethnicity and/or species of the father: Alv, från hemlandet.
Birth order: Yngst
Extended family: Kusiner och alltihopa. Djäklar vilken familj man får som alv. Några har nog dött, iaf.
Any important/infamous/famous ancestors?: Yes.
Describe their ancestral history, if anything of particular note: Säkert någon nisse som gjort något bra förr i tiden, gjort något bra i något krig, varit kungen trogen, hjälpt till och räddat landet etc.
Birth parents:
    Did this character know their birth parents?: Yes.
    Are the parents still alive?: Yes.
    Have the parents been separated either by choice or otherwise?: No.
    Was this character raised by someone other than their parents?: No.
    How did the parent(s)/caretaker(s) treat him/her growing up versus now: Föräldrarna behandlar honom fortfarande som ung och ingen som fattar världen riktigt, barnsköterskan behandlar honom som en vuxen individ, ungefär på samma sätt som när han var barn.
    How did this character treat his/her parent(s)/caretaker(s) growing up versus now?: Var mer lojal och kärleksgull mot föräldrarna och såg upp emot dom och avgudade dom. Nu är han mestadels mer distansierad och kritiserande och vågar visa negativa känslor emot dom. Mot barnsköterskan har han vågat visa alla spektrum av känslor, och gör den även nu.
    Did/does s/he have any siblings?: Yes.
    Have any of the siblings died?: No.
Describe the family dynamic growing up: Brodern har alltid varit mer eller mindre bestämmande och oaccepterande fall ingen höll med honom eller ville göra som han ville. Han var äldst och bäst och mest en plåga. Han kunde vara snäll, ibland, men var redan så gammal när Maenrin var liten att han var påverkad av allt omkring och hur man borde och skulle bete sig. Systern har han haft en normal syskonrelation med.
Describe the family dynamic now: Det ser likadant ut nu.
Family history (the family they were born and/or raised with): För mycket. Har dragit korta historier här och där.
Has this character ever been married?: Yes.
To whom?: Angalaineth
Was it a legitimate marriage?: Yes.
Did their marriage end in a divorce?: Yes.
Did their marriage end with a death of one partner?: No.
Did s/he have any mistresses/lovers/partners outside of marriage?: Möjligt.
Does s/he have a family of their own now?: Yes.
Family memebers: Raeneth, son
Were any of the kids conceived/born out of wedlock? : Nej
Does s/he keep in touch with the family/kids why or why not?: Ja, sitt barn då han bor hos honom. Inte med frun.
Describe his/her relationship with their kids: Bra, men inte perfekt. Är inte helt närvarande och skämmer bort Rae. Försöker sitt bästa, men det är känsligt läge nu i tonåren.
How has this family affected this character?: Fått honom att försöka stadga sig och tänka på någon annan än han själv. Mognat, men inte fullständigt.
Family history (the one(s) they created): Det får vi se om vi får lära oss något om under historiens gång.

Spiritual Characteristics
Religion: Tror på landets religion.
Does s/he believe in a god/goddess?: Yes.
What are his/her spiritual beliefs?: Allt har en själ bla bla. Tror mer utav vana, än kanske genuin tro.
Is religion or spirituality an important part of this character's life?: No.
Superstitions: Uh...

What if...:
    ...s/he was an animal? What would they be and why?: Katt. Slö, självständig, självupptagen, gosig, bestämd.
    ...s/he were the opposite sex? What would they do?: Samma som nu.
    ...s/he could be characterized by an object; what would they be and why?: Vin, kanske.
    ...s/he were confronted with someone with an identical personality as themselves? What would they do?: Skulle antingen hata eller älska den.
    ...s/he became physically handicapped? What would they do?: Nej, fy. Bli deprimerad, möjligen.
    ...s/he were placed in a new and unfamiliar environment/country/planet/etc? What would they do?: Stressa inombords och försöka kolla läget.
    ...s/he was proposed to (if they haven't been already)? What would they do?: Skratta lyckligt och pussa.
    ...s/he had a child (if they don't already)? What would they do and how would it affect them?: Har, så den frågan är svarad på.
    Create your own unique situations: Nej, tack.
What song best fits this character?: Oh, många. Ain't that a bitch, möjligen.
If you could compare this character to an existing character (physically or personality-wise), who would it be and why?: Ingen aning.
If you could choose an actor/voice actor for this character, who would it be?: Neeej.
Who/what inspired this character and in what ways?: Från början var det Thranduil, från The Hobbit. Någon royal alv med en son och deras relation och liv och agerande och så har det utvecklats vidare till något eget.

Antal inlägg : 13
Join date : 11-05-10

Till överst på sidan Gå ner

Karaktärer Empty Rae

Inlägg  Eme tor maj 19, 2011 6:21 pm

The Questions
Date this form was created: 19 maj 2011
Full name of Character: 
Raeneth Alealithar
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: 
-neth var ett sufflix för ungdomlighet/barn, Rae minns jag inte. Efternamnet betyder något med hästar om jag minns rätt.
Rae, penneth.
Reason for nickname: 
Rae förtkortning av namnet, penneth betyder ”young one”
Race: Alv
Social class: Överklass
Physical Appearance:
How old they appear: Ser nog äldre/yngre ut än vad han är, beroende på vem som ser honom, om man är alv, människa etc.
Eye Color: Blå.
Glasses or contacts? Nej.

Hair color length and style: ljust blond, axellångt med snedlugg, oftast uppsatt i en toffs.
Weight and height: Kanske runt 170cm.
Type of body (build): 
Tunn och gänglig.
Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily): 
Fin, bränner sig lätt.
Shape of face: 
Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.): Nej.
Predominant feature: Är som sin far ganska plain om man bara ser på enskilda delar av utseendet, inget som egentligen tar mer plats än något annat. Men näsan, kanske.
Is s/he healthy? Ja.
If not, why not? Or why are they healthy? Lever inget liv som gör honom ohälsosam.
Do they look healthy? Why/why not? Ja, ser frisk och kry ut.
Char’s favorite color: Grön, svart.
Least favorite, why? 
Rosa (om man kunde skapa den färgen), annars orange. Skriktigt, tjejigt om det är rosa och allmänt fult om det är orange.
Music? -.
Least favorite music, why? 
Food: Fisk.
Literature: Allt som inte är studieböcker.
Expressions: Ungdomliga uttryck.
Expletives (curse): Nja, inte direkt.
Mode of transport: Fötter, häst.
Hobbies: Lata sig, shoppa, leka med katterna, höra på historier, vara uppe sent, tramsa runt, besöka Eil, åka till huvudstaden, måla, prata, störa folk, fråga en massa saker, släktträffar, fester.
How do they spend a rainy day? På sitt rum och gör inte det han borde. Tecknar, spelar något spel själv, eller så hälsar han på i köket.
Are they a daredevil or cautious? 
Do they act the same alone as when with someone? 
Nej. Han är mer utåtgående och cheerful med andra, men mer lugn, mogen och dämpad själv.
Habits: Ifrågasätta allt, tugga på läppen, göra tvärtom vad han borde göra.
Drinks: Saft, vatten, (middags)vin.
How much: 
Dricker inte alkohol mer än på finare middagar och vissa hemmamiddagar.
Greatest Strength: Nyfikenheten, vetgirigheten, trofasthet, tron på det goda.
Greatest Weakness: Naiv, lättövertalad, svårt att se det onda i folk, vissa svårigheter att lita på folk.
Soft spot: Modern, saker som rör hans familj och förhållanden, osäkerheten på sig själv.
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: Han försöker gömma det, men kan nog skina igenom.
If not, how do they hide it: Försöker att maskera sig med glada miner och uppträdanden och inte visa att han blir påverkad av saker som händer inom familjen och som har med honom och modern att göra.
Biggest Vulnerability: Naiviteten.
Hometown: -
Type of childhood: Tämligen bra. Livet har inte varit särskilt svårt eller tufft. Har alltid haft mat, kläder, leksaker och folk omkring sig. Möjligheter att resa, lära känna folk och få god utbildningen. Det känslomässiga planet har inte varit den bästa.
First Memory: Hur han fick följa med pappa och mata den glada lilla ponnyn hos farbror och hur Eil försökte lära honom rida.
Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: Att modern har stuckit har påverkat honom djupt fastän han inte minns något av det. Sedan diverse händelser som skett antingen mellan fadern och flammor/annat och inom familjen generellt. Kan inte pin-point något specifikt just nu.
Why? Just... Det är inte kul.
Rent generellt.
Finances: God.
Mother: Angalaineth
Relationship with her: Ingen alls.
Relationship with him: Bra, han avgudar egentligen sin far men relationen är inte helt fullständig och tillfredsställande.
Siblings, How many, relationship with each: Nej.
Children of siblings: 
Other extended family: 
Farbror, faster, kusiner, farföräldrar, etc.
Close? Why or why not: Med vissa av dom. Särskilt Eil.
Most at ease when:Hemma, i sovrummet, tecknandes. Eller ute på gården med katterna.
Most ill at ease when: När det är oroligt omkring honom.
Priorities: Inget särskilt.
Philosophies: Att livet är till för att ha kul.

How they feel about themselves: Han är i tonåren, så han är väldigt tveksam och ifrågasättande kring vem han är, vart han kommer ifrån, och livet generellt. Trivs inte hundra med sig själv.

Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: Vet inte...
If granted one wish what would it be, why? Han vill nog träffa modern.
Optimist or pessimist? Why? 
Optimist. Livet är enklare då.
Introvert or extrovert? Why? 
Både och, han skulle vara helt extrovert om han vågade öppna sig för någon.
Drives and motives: Bli god nog.
Talents: Teckna, ta hand om djur, ganska bra på att laga mat, vore bra på att lära sig saker om han försökte.
Extremely skilled at: Teckna, kanske.
Extremely unskilled at: Svärdstudier, fysisk aktivitet, förstå nyttan med historia eller andra studieämnen överhuvudtaget, förstå att allt inte är bra i världen, relativt dålig på att hitta.
Good characteristics: Positiv, vetgirig, trofast, lätt att ta kontakt med folk, mestadels artig, givmild emot vänner, god vän som stöttar, lyssnar och försöker hjälpa. Gör det han tror är rätt.
Character flaws: Bortskämd, lat, kan vara egoistisk, naiv, om han inte tjänar på att göra något är det inte lika kul att göra det, osäker, svårt att uttrycka vissa känslor.
Biggest regret: 
Att han inte tog chansen att följa med Eil på hans resor.
Minor regrets: Sitt uppträdande mot folk, hur han avspisade Eil innan han åkte, hur han är som.
Biggest accomplishment: 
Minor accomplishments: 
Darkest secret: Önskar ibland att han var någon annan, att hans fader och familj var någon annan och att alla kunde gå och dö eller i alla fall skärpa sig. Men det är ju inte så jättemörkt. Och att rymma också, det är hans mörkaste tankar hittils. Eller eventuellt att fadern fått skylla sig själv...
Does anyone know? 
How did they find out:-
One word they would use to describe themselves: Bäst.
One paragraph of how they would describe themselves: 
”Tja, asså, jag är ju riktigt bäst och... Äsch, varför bryr du dig?”
What do they consider their best physical characteristic and why: Sin hy och ögon kanske.
The worst one? Sitt hår.
Gillar inte färgen eller dess förmåga att bilda vågor och lockar.
Are they realistic assessments? 
Beror på vad man tycker om. Men det är väl fint, egentligen.
If not, why not? 
How they think others preserve them: 
Bra men ytlig eller som en snorunge.
What four things would they most like to change about themselves: Familjeförhållanden, bättre personlighet, roligare liv, bättre hår.
Livet skulle nog vara enklare då.
If they were changed would they be the same person, why/why not: 
Nej. Helt andra förutsättningar och personlighet.
Would changing of number 1 make them more happy? Why/why not: Kanske inte. Han har egentligen en bra familj, till och från, eller i alla fall lyxen att ha ett privilegierat liv. Inget säger att en annan familj skulle göra honom automatiskt mer glad.
Interaction with other people:
How do they relate to others: 
Bra men oftast på ett ytligt plan. Förstår väl folks känslor och meningar, men bryr sig inte tillräckligt fall det inte är någon närstående eller någon han kommer att börja gilla.
How are they perceived by strangers: Alltifrån en väluppfostrad ungdom, till en brat till ett barn som inte är torr bakom öronen än.
Friends: Några stycken.
Wife/husband/lover: Nej.
The Hero/Heroin: 
Eil vs. fadern
How do they view the Hero/Heroine:Eil som en spännande förebild med ett häftigt liv, någon som är lite farlig och gör det han själv vill. Fadern dels för att det är hans pappa, men också för att han är någon som vågar gå sin egen väg också, och inte gör det alla andra tycker att man borde göra. 

First impression of the char: Någon oskyldig, jobbig sak.
why? För att han väl är det.
What happens to change this perception: Om man lär känna honom på riktigt så har han flera lager att erbjuda, som är djupare än den ytliga fasad han har.
What do people like most about this char: Glädjefull, lyser upp i mörka stunder, vetgirig, lätt att umgås med, oftast, välmenande.
What do they dislike most about them: Attitydsproblem, svår att engagera, bortskämd, drömmande, otålig.
Immediate: Klara olika examina.
Long term: Göra något kul, resa runt i världen, inte fastna i det liv han borde och har fötts in i. Men kankse kan tänka sig axla mer ansvar i framtiden på ett annat sätt än vad fadern har gjort.
How do they plan to accomplish them: Rymma/sticka hemifrån, försöka traggla igenom skoltiden så han har tillräcklig med kunskap för att kunna ge sig in i dom banor han kan komma att få tillträde till.

How will others be effected by this: Får väl se.
How do they react in a crisis: Osäkerhet, svårt att komma på hur hantera det.
How do they face problems: Ignorerar dom oftast.
Kind of problems they usually run into: Vanliga tonårsproblem. Inte gjort läxor, inte lyssnar, problem med umgänge, inte kommer hem i tid etc.
How they react to new problems: 
Finns inte.
How they react to change: Bra, det är spännande.
Favorite clothing, why: Vardagskläder.

Least favorite, why: Armor, blä.
Jewelry: Nej, inte direkt.
Other accessories: Inget särskilt.
Where do they live: Föräldrahemmet.
Where do they want to live: Huvudstaden.

Spending habits, why: Kan slösa en hel del under resor till huvudstaden eller under marknader och så, men har också ett sinne för ekonomi.
What do they do too much of, why: Saker han inte borde.
Most prized possession, why: Nåot tygdjur, katten, någon tavla.
People they secretly admire, why: Kan tycka att farbrorn är häftig och mäktig, plus lite annat högft folk.

Person they are most influenced by, why: 
Fadern, Eil. Förebilder och släktingar.
Most important person in their life before story starts, why: 
Ingen särskild, fadern antar jag väl då.
How do they spend the week just before the story starts: Studier, festplanerande, vardagslivslunk.


Antal inlägg : 23
Join date : 11-02-16
Age : 35

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Karaktärer Empty Etienne Molyneux

Inlägg  Etienne Molyneux mån nov 28, 2011 11:23 pm


 Marquis Alexandre Etienne Bijou Molyneux de Matin Étoile
Date of Birth:
 18 of July ca. 1764
Gender: Male

Place of Birth:
 Strasbourg, France
Race/Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian

Physical Description

 No idea. He’s thin.
Hair Colour:
 Warm blond.
Hair Length:
 Curly, in a tail in public and loose at home.
Eye Colour:
General Body Description:
 Typical thin and not so muscular seeing as he doesn’t have to do labour work.
Typical clothing style: Elegant, rich, delicate.

 A small, not so visible one right near his right nostril.
Tattoos: No…

 Nothing visible.
Skin tone: 
Pale, but can colour a bit during summer, with a warm undertone.
Picture (link if available): 

Karaktärer Lestat_by_hrfleur-d4h7we3

Social Description

Financial Status:
Sexual Attitude:
 It’s a sin not enjoying the pleasure of love!
Moral Alignment: Himself.

Religious Alignment: Catholic.

Political Alignment:
 The nobility. Mostly.
Use of Drugs:
 He’s a known player.
Criminal Status: No. He’s a nobleman.


Highest Education Level Achieved:
 Didn’t go to University.
 Player, traveller, investor, act – no. Nothing.
Hobbies: Theatre, cards, dances, parties, boys&girls, travel, music, paintings, horses.

Languages & Dialects Spoken: Alsatian, Parisian French, French accented English, German, Latin

Talents/Skills: Entertain, investing, playing the piano… and such.


Character History: Grew up at the German border of France in an estate with the family. Studied and lived the life of society and when in proper age went to the French court to serve the King (and have a lot of fun). When the revolution started in ’89, he had been absent from France for 2-3 years and hasn’t returned.

Significant Other(s):
 Selfish, spoiled, bad temper, impatient, fun loving, easy going, quick to laughter, playful, teasing, animated, charming, somewhat clumsy, isn’t so strictly formal when he really doesn’t need to.
 (somewhat) jealous, curses, cracks knuckles, and other things we’ll surely learn.
 Action, fun things, going to plays and concerts, champagne, good food, fun people, talking, winning, playing cards, arguments, matchmaking, love making, his family, shopping, new things, kittens, playing with children, playing the piano, travel, sleeping, paintings (and paint).
 Bad food, cheep wine, irritating people, boring people, old fashioned people, nothing to wear, people being late, loosing money, being hated, being alone, small places, the dark, hell, being ignored and ashamed, being judged, being sick, being lost
 Being happy and rich and have a good life without people interfering, judging, making decisions for him.
Fears: Hell, dying alone, being stuck in a life he doesn’t which to have. And ghosts.
Etienne Molyneux
Etienne Molyneux

Antal inlägg : 7
Join date : 11-11-28

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